Development Review Board
The Brandon Development Review Board (DRB) is a five member quasi-judicial volunteer board. The DRB hears appeals, grants variances, and conditional uses in accordance with the Brandon Land Use Ordinance (BLUO). The DRB is also charged with reviewing sections 6 (municipal impacts), 7 (school impacts), and 10 (town plan) of the Act 250 review process.
Development Review Board meetings or hearing are usually held on the fourth Wednesday of each month at 7 PM at the Brandon Town Hall located at 1 Conant Square. Adjustments to times, days, and location may change, after appropriate public notice. Official hearing and meeting notices are posted on this website.
DRB members are appointed to their terms of service by the Brandon Select Board. Current members are:
Samantha Stone, Chair
John Peterson,
Vice Chair
Robert Clark
Jim Des Marais
Jack Schneider
Zoom Meeting Options
Option 1: Video Conference
This option is available only if:
You have a computer with a built-in or external camera and microphone (Zoom Software download required)
Have a phone with a built-in camera (Zoom App download required)
• Visit (This will prompt the download if you do not have the software/app already installed)
Meeting ID 840 9456 4293
Option 2: Conference Call: To dial in for audio only:
1. Dial: (929) 205 6099
2. Follow instructions to enter Meeting ID (840 9456 4293) then confirm by hitting pound
When prompted to enter participant ID, just hit pound again to enter meeting