Police Department
The Brandon Police Department strives to reflect the priorities of our community in the action we take. We must respond to well founded criticism with a willingness to change.
We are a solution oriented law enforcement agency whose mission is to fairly and aggressively enforce laws, reinforce public trust, and inspire public confidence. Officers of the department will perform their duties following the values of Honesty, Loyalty, Professionalism, Integrity, Courage, and Respect.
The Brandon Police Department is located at 301 Forest Dale Road and provides police services twenty four hours a day. Administrative staff is available in the lobby from 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. For all times when administrative staff is not available, an officer can be reached at the office or by telephone contact in our lobby or at (802) 247-0222.
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Brandon Police Sheepdog Program
One of the most devastating experiences for a family coping with Alzheimer’s disease and similar diseases is to have a loved one wander away from home and become lost. To give families some degree of security, the Brandon Police have set up the Sheepdog Program.
Registration in the program is completely voluntary. To participate, please complete the attached registration form and return it to the Brandon Police Department with a recent photograph. The completed form along with the picture you provide is then placed in a confidential file with the police department. In the event your family member wanders off or gets lost, contact the police department and a description as well as other information concerning the person will be promptly dispatched to officers on-duty and if necessary, the local media.
Just like a sheepdog watching over a flock of sheep, the Brandon Police Department wants to keep our seniors and most vulnerable individuals safe from harm. Information gained through this program would greatly help us in reducing the possibility of a tragedy should one of our elderly or vulnerable community members wander off or get lost.

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) / Drone Program
The Brandon Police Department has recently acquired two Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV), otherwise known as “Drones”, to help support day-to-day public safety operations in the Town of Brandon. The Brandon Police Department utilizes Tactical X Drones, which are small, but versatile officer and community safety tools. Light weight and easy to transport, UAVs can be quickly deployed to assist Police and Fire personnel in enhancing public safety, and search and rescue operations. The UAVs will be used to provide aerial support during emergency Police and Fire operations, and provide an added layer of transparency and accountability by recording aerial video of these incidents. The UAVs will utilize video cameras and/or still photo capability to provide real time situational awareness, which will help public safety officers in locating both suspects and victims.
In addition to providing situational awareness to public safety and other Town personnel, the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) program will assist in crime scene reconstruction, and disaster management. The UAV program will have the added benefit of enhancing safety to first responders by limiting their exposure to the dangers of natural disasters, chemical, and biological threats.
We are aware of the privacy concerns related to the use of UAVs and have taken measures to address those concerns; primarily through a combination of strict departmental drone usage policies and thorough record keeping on all uses/deployments of the drone. The UAVs are incident driven and will never be used for routine patrol. Below is a list of the situations in which the UAV may be utilized:
- Barricaded Suspects
- Active Shooter Mass Casualty Incidents
- Hostage Situations
- Crime Scene Investigations
- Search & Rescue Operations
- Fires
- Disaster Management
- Critical Missing Persons Investigations
- CBRNE Incident (chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosive)
- Supporting Search and Arrest Warrant Operations
- Perimeter Searches and Security for Armed and/or Felony Suspects
- Routine Training (public places)
Program Policy
UAVs may only be deployed with a supervisor’s approval, and only after all of the required notifications to air traffic control towers (per FAA regulations) have been made. Only pilots who possess a valid license to fly UAVs issued by the FAA may deploy a UAV. All officers who are assigned to operate UAV’s for the Brandon Police Department will be required to be licensed to perform those duties.

Request Information
Requests for Public Records / Police Reports / Video / Audio Recordings
These requests cost $20.00 for a report, $20.00 for a disc of photos, $45.00 for a video (either DUI or non-DUI incidents), and $45.00 for an audio recording.
Brandon Police Department cases are not always available for release. Reports will not be released under certain circumstances, including but not limited to:
- The case is an active and open investigation
- The report is considered confidential
- Autopsy reports will never be released
REPORTS OF MOTOR VEHICLE CRASHES investigated by the Brandon Police Department may also be requested through the Vermont Department of Motor Vehicles in Montpelier, VT. They can be contacted at 802-828-2050.
Included in your request should be a police case number, or the date and names of all parties involved along with the type of incident.
Requests should be mailed to:
Brandon Police Department
301 Forest Dale Road
Brandon, Vt. 05733
PLEASE NOTE: Some photographs connected with cases are very graphic and can be disturbing to victims and family members. It is not always possible to screen out these images as they are part of a criminal investigation. If you have ordered photos, it is possible that you may receive graphic images of police scenes.