Election & Town Meeting Information
Town Meetings
For more information and how to participate click here to view current warnings.
The Town Meeting is held the Monday evening before the FIRST Tuesday in March at the Brandon Town Hall at 1 Conant Square, commencing at 7:00 PM.
The Town Meeting is held to discuss the budget, hear Town Department reports, authorize borrowing, consider and act upon public questions and engage in an open dialogue with the elected Select Board.
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Town Elections
Town Meeting Elections are held the first Tuesday of March at the Brandon American Legion, on 550 Franklin Street. Polls are open 10 am – 7 pm. The Brandon Select Board voted in October of 2021 to mail all ballots to registered active voters for local elections. The Town of Brandon has opted to vote by Australian Ballot for all financial issues and to elect town officials. It is important to note that the school district, Otter Valley Unified Union School District, may NOT mail ballots for town meeting, so you may need to request these separately.