Energy Committee

The Select Board approved the formation of the Energy Committee, a sub-committee of the Planning Commission, in May of 2018.  The Energy Committee has completed their initial tasks of developing an Energy Plan and determining solar siting.  The Committee continues to work toward helping the Town of Brandon do its part to achieve Vermont energy goals.

Current Energy Committee Members

Erin Ballantine

Robert Black

David Martin, Chair


Eve Beglarian

Jim Emerson

David Martin


Zoom Meeting Options

Option 1: Video Conference
This option is available only if:
You have a computer with a built-in or external camera and microphone (Zoom Software download required)
Have a phone with a built-in camera (Zoom App download required)
• Visit: (This will prompt the download if you do not have the software/app already installed)
Meeting ID 870 4222 0099

Option 2: Conference Call: To dial in for audio only:
1. Dial: (929) 205 6099
2. Follow instructions to enter Meeting ID (870 4222 0099) then confirm by hitting pound
When prompted to enter participant ID, just hit pound again to enter meeting